Plus de 200 commentaires en (ANGLAIS) Le statut d'organisme de bienfaisance de groupe islamique révoqué sur la liaison présumée à l'organisation de la terreur et pas en nous forçant que ça iras MIEUX !!!

Le statut d'organisme de bienfaisance de groupe islamique révoqué sur la liaison présumée à l'organisation de la terreur


Justin Trudeau ISNA











TORONTO -  L'Agence du revenu du Canada a révoqué le statut d'organisme de bienfaisance d'un groupe islamique après il dit qu'il a distribué plus de 280.000 $ à un organisme soupçonné d'être lié à une organisation terroriste au Pakistan.

L'ARC a annoncé vendredi qu'il va priver la Société islamique de Fondation pour le développement de son statut d'organisme de bienfaisance en Amérique du Nord du Canada.

Après un près de deux ans, à long vérification de ses livres, l'ARC a déclaré qu'il a trouvé des preuves liant le groupe à une organisation qui finance une organisation terroriste au Pakistan.

"Le gouvernement du Canada a clairement fait savoir qu'il ne tolérera pas l'abus du système d'enregistrement des organismes de bienfaisance de fournir des moyens de soutien au terrorisme", un communiqué de presse de l'ARC dit.

Dans un 71-page "lettre de révocation," avec des organigrammes qui illustrent le lien présumé entre le groupe canadien et le groupe terroriste pakistanais, l'agence dispose de son affaire contre ISNA.

L'ARC a vérifié les livres de l'ISNA pendant deux ans entre le 1er janvier 2007 au 31 décembre 2009. Les transactions durant cette période ont montré un «accord de financement» entre le / Fonds Kashmiri Conseil canadien Kashmiri secours du Canada et le groupe. Ce groupe serait envoyer de l'argent à l'Organisation basé au Pakistan de secours pour les musulmans du Cachemire. Ce groupe est la branche caritative de la Jamaat-e-Islami, une organisation politique qui soutient le renversement du gouvernement de l'Inde à travers les activités du Hizbul Mujahideen, la libération de l'ARC dit.

Hizbul Mujahideen est considéré comme une organisation terroriste par l'Union européenne et le gouvernement de l'Inde, l'ARC a dit.

Les fonctionnaires de l'ISNA Canada n'a pas répondu aux appels et aux e-mails demandant commentaire vendredi.

Mais dans un communiqué Juillet 26 sur leur site, ils contestent les conclusions préliminaires formulées par l'ARC, les qualifiant de «allégations spéculatives."

Le groupe dit qu'il a envoyé de l'argent au Cachemire pour aider les orphelins et les nécessiteux. Il a réprimandé un autre rapport de journal pour une histoire Juillet qui reposait sur l'ARC correspondance qui dit que l'argent envoyé par le groupe «peut» ont été détournés à des terroristes, mais offert aucune preuve.

"Nous pensons qu'il est inutile de jeter le discrédit sur le support des groupes militants sur un organisme de bienfaisance et le droit des citoyens respectueux qu'il sert basée sur de la pure spéculation», dit la déclaration.

Organisation mère américaine de l'ISNA a renvoyé le Toronto Sun à un communiqué publié plus tôt cette année, ce qui l'éloigne de la succursale canadienne.

"Il n'y a eu aucun lien d'autorité ou de responsabilité entre les États-Unis et des organismes canadiens pendant quelques décennies, malgré la similitude des noms," a indiqué le communiqué.

Ayant son statut d'organisme de bienfaisance arrachés signifiera ISNA Canada ne peut plus délivrer de reçus de dons aux allégements fiscaux sur le revenu.Le groupe est également plus exempt d'impôt sur le revenu et peut être imposé pour la valeur totale de ses actifs.

En Juillet, le chef libéral Justin Trudeau était un conférencier invité lors d'un événement ISNA Canada. Une demande de commentaire sur le Parti libéral n'a pas été retourné par le temps presse.

À l'époque, Trudeau a été claqué par le Congrès musulman canadien pour accepter l'invitation.

Mais Trudeau est pas le seul politicien à avoir abordé le groupe. En 2008, alors ministre de multiculturalisme, Jason Kenney, a salué ISNA Canada lors d'un événement. Il a dit au groupe qu'il avait hâte de "un dialogue plus étroit entre le gouvernement du Canada, le Parti conservateur du Canada, et la communauté musulmane en général, l'ISNA en particulier."




    I see we still can't comment on Ezra's BS.


    Justin Trudeau addressed the ISNA Canada as did Jason Kenney. 
    A speech made by former immigration minister Jason Kenney to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) has apparently been erased from government websites as Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau faced criticism for his association with the same group.


    the trolls censored me again


    This article and many of the postings comprise a genuine learning experience for me.

    Please do a follow up and include the Provincial governments.


    so the ruling was just announced Friday

    JT spoke to the group last July

    Kenney spoke to them in 2008

    but JT is the only one wrong...

    I see


    justin's,status should be revoked,but no one would take the pretty boy but a turkish prison


    .have no fear. once justin is elected he will reinstate their charitable status.


      That'll likely be the second stunt he pulls right after making Mick Jagger the Governor General and appointing the rest of the Rolling Stones to the Senate.


    "How Zakat Funds Jihad"

    look it up


    They don't care about shutting one down, I'm sure they've got dozens more under various names.


    Now can we revoke their Canadian Citizenship? There is no better time then now.


    Be smart...Preserve Our Canadian Way...Regain our status on Earth...Vote Trudeau...


    Holy fk, talk about a witch hunt...Revoking the charitable status of a legitimate organization by digging up some obscure group who assists Kashmiri victims of brutal Indian oppression because the Indians label them "terrorist"? Fkn sad. Canada has become the Puny, Pathetic Petty Little Man of North America. Alfalfa Harper and His Gang have made it shameful days to be Canadian...Alxamdulilah his days in office are numbered, and we get to see the last of him, that mean, little, vindictive Porky Kenney, and ol' Rug Top "I wanna be a World Statesman" Spanky Baird...Good fkn riddance...Take that goof RoFo witcha too, while ya at it!!


      "Legitimate organization"

      Apparently you think that by appeasing, the crocodile will eat you last. Good luck with that.


      LOL good rant H...****** says hi !


      If they're innocent, then you're right, it is pathetic, if the Harperites are right, then all the power to them. But to describe them as puny pathetic petty, is righteous in it's own right too.


        Seriously, I can see it if it was a world-recognized terrorist group i.e Al Qaida...But some Kashmiri victims assistance group? Kashmiri's have been victims of brutal Indian oppression for decades. Just like the Falun Gong in China, and the Tamil's in Sri Lanka...Those people have legitimate beef...


          You are right, the Indian govt has waged war on the Kashmiri's for a long time, and tbh, I guess i didn't put as much thought into this as I should of, as I took it as another mosque charitable donation op, whereas it isn't anyway whatsoever.


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              90% I could agree with, including some of mine, but try not to be ignorant, but people's differing points of view may turn ppl into things they're generally not. A drag, but a fact nonetheless.


    NO politician should be catering to this Islamic/Muslim death cult period! Enough is enough, and reform immigration and start getting people not here to hi-jack the country. Islam is a dangerous political movement that Canada should not be endorsing.


    I can't believe a religion from another part of the world can come to Canada and set up a charity to send money back to the other part of the world. That's bizarre on so many levels.

    PS: the government of Canada wants Canada to be a muslim nation. Just an FYI.


      Ever wonder why ?


        Insane people answer questions with questions.


          I thought it only meant you are rude. I would not have done so if you had directed the question to me. In fact in the absence of question marks it's not really a question. To answer the question you didn't ask they breed at a much faster rate then us and politicians want to increase the yield of its crops of future taxpayers and are convinced this is a good strain for higher yielding crops.


          "PS: the government of Canada wants Canada to be a Muslim nation. Just an FYI"

          Insane? Who's the arsehole calling the poop smelly here?


    Thanks, Sun for including the info that Jason Kenney also addressed that group instead of laying it all on Justin Trudeau. Your reporting just rose a notch in my eyes.


    linked to terror organization?? Now there's a shock.
    And even more of a shock is the fact a couple of our politicians praised them.
    Anything for a vote!
    Oh hell, they'll probably form another "charitable" organization under a different name, different cause and continue the support of what they know best and that is death/killing.


    The conservative government and its open door immigration policy is now getting tough with suspected terrorist sympathizers, 200,000 immigrants a year plus TFW'S and refugees ya think maybe the government has trouble background checking all these applicants.

    I guess cheap labour to add to the already large surplus and keep wages down trump security in Conservatives eyes.


      If Pet junior gets in half the Taliban will be invited into Canada, that little Liberal puke will destroy the country with his catering to them. He best not get in. And Harper better stop bringing thousands of immigrants that hate us as well.


        I understand the refugees from the Syrian conflict is now greater than any group since the Vietnam era. Most of these folks are Muslim, add that to the P C 'S generous immigration policy and the possible exodus from Quebec, and soon Toronto will look like little Bagdad. Nothing against these folks but we have our own poor which mainly go unnoticed in the media,

        And have you ever noticed any time there is a story about cuts in funding or just government cutbacks the media accents how this will adversely affect immigrants, never mind most of the homeless are white males , they don't exist according to our media. Maybe our homeless should put turbans on to get noticed.


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    Yay! finally


    lets revoke the tax exempt status of all religions. we can use the money and they all seem to have more than their share.


      Agreed, all of the cults funnel donations to questionable and dangerous causes.


        People starving and outdoors to satisfy YOUR religious ideals of ridding society of dangerous cults like the Salvation Army.


    How many Islamic charities in Canada have now lost their status for being fronts to launder money for terrorists? Quite a few.


      No doubt there will be many more. Trudeau being caught with his pants down, helping fund islamic terrorist organizations, when he was forewarned, is not going to go over well with Canadians.


        He loves Islam, it is chilling really, imagine every terrorist in the Middle East being invited here, as that is what that snotty Liberal brat would do.


        How do you think Canadians will react to the fact that Jason Kenny is trying to hide the fact he did the same, when he was equally forewarned, and has pulled the speach he made to the same group from the government and his personal web site???


          It did not come to light that ISNA was a front for islamic terrorist in 2008. At the time it was believed they were helping people who were victims of the islamist. Not only do I believe their funding should be lifted, but their membership should be deported back to the barbaric backward islamic countries they came from.


            But how will they react to Kenny hiding it?

            Im fine with deporting criminals and removing tax exempt status from all religions.


          Equally forewarned of what??

            • Please, just once, answer a direct question.... Kenny spoke in 2008, when did the CRA begin it's investigation?


                Why is kenny trying to hide it ?
                Why do you assume presume guilt without proof?


                  Please, just once, answer a direct question.... Kenny spoke in 2008, when did the CRA begin it's investigation??


                    Your turn for a response. Reciprocation is not in your vocab apparently.

                    Why is kenny trying to hide it ?
                    Why do you assume presume guilt without proof?


                      Please, just once, answer a direct question.... Kenny spoke in 2008, when did the CRA begin it's investigation???


                        Ok hide if you wish that fine.
                        If you decide to answer I will provide yours.


                          Please, just once, answer a direct question.... Kenny spoke in 2008, when did the CRA begin it's investigation????


                            there was an investigation going on at precisely the same time Kenney was speaking to them

                            CRA just released their findings

                            JT spoke to them back in July

                            Kenney spoke to them in 2008




                            I'll watch for your answer and post the one you have requested as soon as you are done.


        Re. JT, Let's hope so!!!


    They better be taxed on the $280,000 they already sent the terrorists and how about we throw the leaders out of the country also. If they love Pakistan so much they can go there and fight for it.


    Many will wonder if Justin will have regrets re the photo op picture of him reading from a Muslim prayer book.


      Read the posts on Kenny from Jack.


        Yes, so what? 2008 before any allegations vs. 2013, 2 years after the investigation had started. What is your point?


          the investigation started in 2007 ended 2009 not sure why it took almost 4 more years to act on it


          Neither had access to the report that was JUST released
          Kenny = Trudeau on this or is worse as he had access to government reports that would not be available to Kenny.

          Unless you are suggesing they both should have presumed guilt without proof.


            Uhmmm, work with me here... there was NO investigation when Kenny spoke over 5 years ago. JT however, knew, or should have, that there was an investigation in the works. Another example of JT taking any and all "opportunities" provided to him to pander votes wherever possible.


              Kenney spoke to them in 2008...during the time period CRA says ISNA were in violation


                "Says they were in violation" due to an investigation that did not start until 3 years after Kenny spoke.... I guess we must assume all Government Officials are soothsayers, able to gaze into the future.


                  He was warned, thats all that counts.


                    When was he warned?


                      Why is kenny trying to hide it ?
                      Why do you assume presume guilt without proof?


                        When was he warned??


                          I have answered several of you quetions it is time for you to reciprocate before any more.


                            When was he warned of something that had not even begun to be investigated for 3 years?


                              I will provide that answer when you have caught up to my outstanding ones.


                                Memory must be failing you OU. Please provide a post where you have answered one of my queries?


                                  Thats not an answer to the questions you have left outstanding.


                                    Please provide a post where you have answered one of my queries?


                                      Still waiting for you to finish your turn so I can get to your next post.
                                      Ball is in your court when you get your next answer from me.


                                        I see, maybe you don't understand! Queries can also mean questions. What question of mine have you answered?


                                          Im done wiht your grade five schoolyard silliness until you have answered the questions outstanding to you. Last response till then. Have a good day.


                                            LOL!! What an idiot. 
                                            OK, as I believe the only question you have specifically asked was "why is kenny trying to hide it" Well, not being a mind reader, I would have to venture a guess that he is embarrassed to be associated with this group, even though he spoke to them before they were being investigated, and wants to remove all reference of himself to this group.


                                              This guy is just a Liberal troll and a nut job. Conversing with him is like trying to find the rays of the sun at midnight. OUdude is the post man to not vote Liberal.


                                                I know, but I love when he is cornered, he tries to deflect attention away from the facts. I can almost picture him, with spittle running down his chin as he types in his responses to valid questions which he refuses to answer.


                                                  just like you over the point about Moody's and their AAA were wrong but wouldnt admit it...even when I posted the link with proof

                                                  you ask for proof...but when presented still dont why ask for it??

                                                  I posted 2 links...Macleans and Huffington Post...saying the government has taken down any story and proof Kenney spoke to the same group because it would take away from their argument with Trudeau


              Why is kenny trying to hide it ?
              Why do you assume presume guilt without proof?


    No worries trudeau jr will be reinstating it toute suite when he can and doing some fundraisers himself for a fee of course


      Off course Pretty Boy, Air head Justin will reinstate those funds. He needs the votes. If Justin can't get votes from the drug addicts and the forces of Islamic terror, how can he become the dumbest PM in Canadian history. Though Justin is so clueless he doesn't know what planet he is on most days, he has surrounded himself many insane envio types and one Islamic radical. So if elected they can tell him what to do. He doesn't like pipelines, oil, mines or factories so there wont be any jobs but we will all be so drugged out we wont care. He also has the Americans who elected Obama helping him with his campaign. Obama doesn't like Harper he didn't give the 2 billion dollars for the Arab Spring Obama wanted and wouldn't sign the G-8 communicate saying Israel must return to the 1967 borders as Obama had ordered him to. If they can get clueless Justin elected, Obama can tell Justin to jump and Justin will ask how high. It will be utopia for the Liberal Socialist left.


    OK So 2 federal politicians have politely mingled with this group.

    Q: What Ontario Provincial level relations exist with this group? For how much money?


    A wise and correct decision by the CRA.


    This comes as absolutely no surprise to me. I am happy to see the government is finally showing some balls with this and yesterdays story. All these people, and I use the term people loosely, should be watched closely.
    Follow my lead when you see them in public and just glare at them. I do it all the time and love it. Stare and give them dirty looks and if we all do it they will stay home. LOL


    Tip of the iceberg.


      Note the date,now look at the date of Trudeaus speech.See the problem,Kenney spoke BEFORE the audit was done.But I guess facts don't matter to socialists,unless they can twist them to suit there own agenda.

    • Please have a legitamate point before you post.
      Thank you.


      What exactly is the point of this post? Kenny spoke to them in 2008 before any investigation had been initiated. His speech was removed after the findings of the CRA investigation. Big deal! 
      Why was it removed?? So leftists such as yourself would not try and skew the facts to deflect attention away from your idiot poster boy, JT, who knew, or should have known, that they were under investigation when he took the opportunity to pander for more votes.


        artie the investigation began in 2007... "The CRA audited ISNA’s books for two years between Jan. 1, 2007, to Dec. 31, 2009."


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      the rebels, the regime, both fricking terrorist groups and funding either side is funding terrorism.




      From the eyes of the poorest of Palestinians do they think that Israel is full of nice people! Yet, our Conservative Government gives full support to Israel!


        Israel is under constant siege from the islamist terrorists but so what huh?


        because Israel is a DEMOCRACY and ally of the west,,, and defending itself as it has had to time and time again for its existence,,, as usual,, your posts are stupid


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            Best go back to school kid, if you believe that.




              Israel's Netanyahu signs deal to form new coalition 

              March 15, 2013
              I love the internet when it comes to stuff like this

              and right wingers here never fail to astonish me

              it seems I'm always making a point...being called a liar...then proving them wrong...over and over


    Salim Ahmad: Islamism is Serious Political Threat to West

    Islamism is serious political threat to the West as it hides behind the cover of Islam, multiculturalism and inter-faith events.

    BY RYAN MAURO theclarionprojectdotorg

    Thu, August 1, 2013

    Salim Ahmad is the Secretary-General of the Salim Ahmad Muslim Canadian Congress. He is a graduate of the University of Punjab in Pakistan and moved to Canada in 1974.

    The Muslim Canadian Congress says it believes “in a progressive, liberal, pluralistic, democratic, and secular society where everyone has the freedom of religion.”

    The following is Salim Ahmad’s interview with the Clarion Project’s National Security Analyst Ryan Mauro:

    Ryan Mauro: You were recently on SUN News Network to discuss the involvement of the leader of Canada's Liberal Party, Justin Trudeau, with Islamists. Can you summarize for us what the problem was, and how he reacted when he learned of the group's background?

    Salim Ahmad: The problem can be summarized very simply. Justin Trudeau was consorting with those who seek the destruction of Western civilization as a long-term goal of international Islamism, as reflected in the works of Syed Qutb of the Arab Muslim Brotherhoodand Syed Maududi in the Indo-Pakistani Jamaat-e-Islami.

    Can you imagine Canadian Prime Minister Diefenbaker visiting the offices of the Communist Party offices during the Cold War when it was seeking the destruction of the West and its socio-economic order? Islamism is, in a way, a far more serious political threat to the West as it hides behind the cover of Islam, camouflages its true agenda behind multiculturalism and deceives even the most wise among the politicians by employing disarming smiles and sporting inter-faith demeanor.

    We don't know how Justin Trudeau reacted to our denunciation of his flirtation with the ISNA-Canada. He has surrounded himself with Islamists who have ensured the man has no chance of ever meeting secular or liberal Muslims to hear our perspective without him being surrounded by his Saudi-born advisor.

    See Related Article: Canadian Gov.'t Investigates ISNA for Terror Funding

    Mauro: How much support has your anti-Islamist cause received from Muslim-Americans?

    Ahmad: I hate to admit, but very little. Too many well-meaning Muslims rally around the Islamist organizations as an act of what I call “Muslim patriotism.”

    The Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups in the U.S.A. are well-funded from Gulf Arab states and Saudi sources, whereas those Muslims who oppose this cancer are ill-financed and disorganized and often are lone individuals seeking star status who are unready to work in disciplined groups. The one exception is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser and his American-Islamic Leadership Coalition that has made some headway.

    The fact that no more than 10% of North American Muslims regularly attend a mosque means they are amenable to reason, but the challenge is how to reach them and engage them. Whereas the Islamists use their mosques as political offices, people like us are busy as “9-to-5” Muslims trying to work out way through our mortgages and family responsibilities.

    Mauro: As a Muslim, how do you grapple with the issue of Sharia Law?

    Ahmad: I totally reject the application of Sharia Law in the public domain. Most of Sharia is man-made laws dressed up as divinely-ordained texts that have subjugated the status of women; institutionalized racism by placing Arabs as the most favored people in the eyes of Allah; endorsed slavery, rape and polygamy and promotes the hatred of Jews, Christians and Hindus.

    Mauro: Tell us about the Muslim-Canadian community and the levels of extremism and moderation within in.

    Ahmad: There is no single Muslim community and there has never been one. There are many Muslim communities divided by race, religion, class, language and even cuisine.

    The Turkish Muslim world would probably never mingle with a Bangladeshi while the Arab Muslim has little love lost for the Persian Muslim. The wars inside Syria and Iraq tell you the story of the Muslim religious divide while the story of Baluchistan and Kurdistan is the story of Muslim-on-Muslim occupation and enslavement.

    Most Muslims around the world suffer from poverty and illiteracy. Most have never read a book or have gone to school, so the question of extremism and moderation must be seen through the complexity that is Muslim-ness.

    To answer the question about Canada, I am sad to say that the extremists are on the rise. Not the immigrant Muslims, but those who are born here, speak fluent English or French and have converted to Islam and found a safe place to spread their anti-Semitism. If we, as Canadians, do not recognize the threat posed by Islamists inside Canada and continue to sleepwalk through this fog of deception, we will most certainly facilitate our own demise.

    Mauro: CAIR-Canada just changed its name to the National Council of Canadian Muslims and says “there was never any operating or funding relationship between CAIR.CAN and CAIR.” What’s your take on CAIR-Canada?

    Ahmad: They may say there was no operating or funding relationship between CAIR and CAIR-Canada, but they do not deny their ideological relationship. Furthermore, it was the president of CAIR-Canada who submitted an affidavit claiming that CAIR-Canada was a branch of CAIR-US.

    They can change their name, but there will be no escape from their legacy of having been ideological offshoots of an organization listed by the U.S. Justice Department as “unindicted co-conspirators” in a terror-funding trial where all the accused were convicted. It’s old wine in a new bottle.

    see more

    Why is it after an investigation particularly when it involves a Muslim organization and it reveals something is rotten in Denmark the investigation is called bogus


    Is this another fuddle duddle?


    How about ALL religious groups stop receiving funds.


    What do you look like now Shiny Pony


    Good photo choice for this story.

    Poor old Trudeau is as crazed and dumb as the pair of yahoos who raised him.


      you are far too polite


      He might of turned out better with guidance from Mick.


        :) Unfortunately, all the young little leftists here will not understand the comment.




        what do you think of people here who call women derogatory names like Bit$h or the "c" word?


          Look nothing wrong with the "c" word, it is usefull, now if women were refered to by the "k" word, well that is different as that is useless......they sound the same but mean two different things, for those who don't understand. They'll probably delete this but it's saturday.


          don't you just hate it when the facts are embarrassing?


            the facts are people gave me a thumbs down wrongly believing I was calling Terri those names...I wasnt

            but the hypocritical part is YOU and others support and vote thumbs UP for her and others when they call others THOSE names, right??

            one of your pals here the other day called Wynne both of those names...with your cursor over the thumbs up you can see who voted

            Terri gave him a thumbs up for calling a lady those names

            I found that rather strange


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   missed the point...over and over with you


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            so you support and condone people here calling women those kind of derogatory names??


            is that the right wing logic?

            14 people feel its wrong to do it


            The twit doesn't like being called a twat either.


    Deport ! This time I mean it ! F'n POS !


      What, you didn't mean it all along ? Maybe we are going to have you deported back to join the rest of the little green man...


    Don't worry terrorists when trudope is P.M he will reinstate all and increase funding. Maybe to cut out the middle man P.M trudope will just pay Canadian soldiers to commit suicide


      Is your gold seal gone?


        Had to put it away it will soon be time to pee in the cup. Never again I get carried away with that stuff and waste most of my summer.


          Well, it's like anything in life, you control it, not let it control you.

          A simple philosophy that it is applicable to anything in life, even something as basic as food.


            You are correct. It is a number of factors that have put me in a bad way the last few months. No more extended visits to Toronto that's for sure. I'm ready to pack up and go I'm just trying to hang around long enough to see the ripley's aquarium. Finely something cool for Toronto


              I wondered about it the other day as I walked into see the Jays, been under construction for a long time. I thought you were going into the bush?


                Yes I should have left already but I have fallen behind on some chores thanks to B.Ts basements and sun news threads. I would really like to see it I would keep fish myself if I didn't travel so much. I spent much of my youth wading in swamps scooping up fly larva. My fostor Dad's secret weapon for raising prize winning angel fish. Salt water tanks are way to much work to keep just for yourself.


              You are always welcome albertan. Too bad you're in a bad way. My extended family loves it when they come here. Saskatchewan folk but they love it !. Lots to see and do. Toronto is an awesome city. I would'nt live anywhere else ! Try the Silver Dollar, or Wheat Sheaf, or House of Lancaster, it'll feel like home :)


                The House of Lung Cancer. ROFL! Is it still around?


                I was raised here a stereotypical West Hillbilly from Danzig st. (I still have an original lumber jacket) I only have the name here because it is part of a e-mail address I used on my resumae . When looking for work in Alberta being from Taranna is something better kept to yourself.


                Indians and booze don't mix well.. But I will hang around a bit longer in hopes Ripley's Aquarium opens before I have to leave which I had to find out from the star thanks sun !


    shouldn't those people who gave money to terrorists be arrested for terrorism? Is it not a crime to help fund a terrorist organization. Through them in jail and deport them back to an unfriendly country for questioning!


    I am glad that the writer also mention that Jason Kenney has met with and praised ISNA. Jason Kenney is as big a Dhimmi as Justin Turdeau.

    I wish the writer had asked Jason Kenney for comment.


      Politicians doing what they do best. Pander and grovel for votes. They let the sleazebags into the country then run to them for their vote. No party is immune to it. Watch and see when certain ethnic groups celebrate a special occaision in their native dress and the politicians show up to make fools of themselves pretending to be part of that ethnic group.Kinda sickening.


      Jason Kenny spoke to them before the audits were done.Before,that means that at that time they were accepted at face value.Stop trying to smear people when they had no knowledge of the infraction.Trudeau the younger spoke to them in July when the allegations were already rife in Ottawa.Trudeau lies with dogs thats why his hair is starting to look flea bitten.


      don't stop there. ALL of the POS politicians of the west are selling us out to political correctness not to mention huge sums of money in varied forms of sponsorship, donations, you name it. we have to ask the POS the questions because as you know, the lame stream media sold out long ago.


      As long as they breed out the next generation of future taxpayers faster then the rest of us, they will always be more important then the rest of us. The name of the game is greed.


    The Islamic Society of North America "ISNA" may have had it's charitable status revoked but I would bet that many people reading this have unwittingly given money to this organization.

    "ISNA" provides Halal certification for meat suppliers and restaurants in Canada

    www (dot) isna (dot) ca/1/programs-services/isna-halal-certification-agency

    Among the many Canadian companies that pay a undisclosed amount of money to ISNA for this certification is HERO Certified "Heritage" Burgers (know you know what the "certified" stands for! No idea what they mean by "Heritage"? Who's heritage?)

    www (dot) heroburgers (dot) com/pdf/Heritage-Angus-Beef-halal (dot) pdf

    Another Canadian company that pays an unknown amount of money to ISNA is MAPLE LODGE FARMS.

    www (dot) zabihahalal (dot) com/certifications-certified.php

    If you are purchasing HALAL certified products from these or any other company you are financially supporting terrorists at home and abroad. Terrorists such as the rebels in Syria who - as documented on video - are executing Christians and Children.



      That halal nonsense really makes me angry. Asking for non-halal you get a big argument that it is the same and they are correct. I just don't want people praying to my damn dinner, and I think the methods to kill the animal are in-humane. You cant get non-halal chicken at mary browns so I say screw mary brown and her over priced chicken!


        correct the only difference is the manner in which they kill the animal and the cost, I take it back you're not muslim.....;)


          I don't really care what they do but when processing meat in Canada it should be done as humanly as possible and that's not the case with this crap. They cut the animals throat and let it bleed out beef anyhow, I'm told. If you go to no frills at morningside and Kingston many times halal chicken is all that is available. The workers are "them" and get very offended if you ask for the other. If not for the presence of my girlfriends 83yo mother it would have become physical, 3 on me.


      I feel just about anything this cult is involved with no matter how, pretty much supports terrorism back home- including money from all the welfare/refugee cheques they seem to enjoy.
      Sucker Canada sending our troops into the death trap of this cult around the world while sending financial aid to these terrorists at the same time.
      Certainly can't investigate all their connections because that would "offend"!!


      Thank you for that info. I never knew any of that. I will not purchase any of them goods. Maple Lodge is a cheap brand of meat and taste horrible. I had some once and never bought any of their products again.


        I don't care about the certification crap, it's not new, i simply will not buy halal products because of the cost, being muslim doesn't help em either. .....Allahu Akbar (not really, this "god" ain't to loving) Just sayin...


      If indeed this information is accurate, and I have no reason to believe otherwise, Canadians need to be made aware that they are unwittingly supporting a decertified charity that is a supporter of Islamic terrorism.

      This information needs to be made a public issue in more than just a small column in the Sun.


      First off the proof of who used chemical weapons in Syria is not conclusive that it was the rebels. The fact that Putin supports Asaaud makes point that Syria is lying about something! But if it is okay for Kenny it is okay for all!


      You should check out the Q Society youtube vid about the complete sham the certification system really is.

      It's really just food chain extortion.


        what 'certification' process isn't fos?

        you can put the organic group right at the top of the FOS money making list.


        no, you should explain what you are talking about. whats with referring people to sites without any explanation why it would be relevant? why would you expect us to make your point for you? you don't understand your baaaa either and that's the issue


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        .agreed islam is the modern day nazis but only much worse


        so is any fundamentalist religion, including judgmental folks that call themselves christian.


          Yeah, there's a huge amount of Christian terrorism plaguing the world.

          Right, Dummy?


          Why is it anytime someone speaks out against islam flakes like you take it as your cue to start slamming Christians. You do understand the most vocal critics of islam here are evangelical born again Atheists, and their counter parts the Technovangelists .


            i will slam ANY fundy faith that preaches bigotry, hatred, intolerance in the name of their god. i myself am christian and to be a christian in the real sense of the word is to behave christ-like, as in love, tolerance, acceptance and charity.

            NOT the neo-con conservative, earth is 6000 yrs old and we all had dino for a pet b.s, dished out in the u.s. and other right-wing political factions.

            that type of extremism in ALL faiths is dangerous and down-right schizophrenic.

            so if that is flaky, i am guilty beyond a doubt.


              Oh I see you are another one of those who thumbs threw the Bible and decides what is God's word and what is not. Your type are as dangerous as the neo-con whatevers you were complaining about. You sound like a good candidate for crislam


                i have never read the bible in its entirety, only some new testament. also i never claimed to know all the answers or to know what some lunatic's smoting, judgmental, jealous and insecure sky-god wants. (all human traits i might add.)

                i am from the faith of "i do not know" and anyone who claims to know it all, should publish and win the nobel. it would sure settle the debate, wouldn't it? i much prefer to read things written by real theologians, scholars in religion, physicists, etc. you know some books that have things that have "facts" in them, unlike literalists who believe we walked with the dinosaurs in the garden of eden.


                  Well that's fine but you are not a Christian as you stated earlier. I don't look down on you for it, but you are not a Christian. Being a Christian in Biblical terms means you accept the Bible as God's word not some or parts if you truly believe it to be God's word then it must be perfect or none of it's God's word. Put it to you like this if a wake up tomorrow to find Israel has been wiped from the face of the earth I will immediately toss out my Bible and curse my brain. That would mean part of the Bible is un-true therefore it cannot be the Word of God.


                    Were you born this foolish, or is this something you 'grew' into ?


                      What kind of stupid a$$ comment is that ? If you wish to just randomly insult me why not at least attempt to insert some wit or humour. These witless replys only serve to demonstrate what a dullard you are.


                    but of course you are looking down on me. you are guilty of being being pious, your version of christianity is absolute and in other words, i will no doubt go to hell in your opinion for having my opinion. 
                    this debate is pointless.
                    when people are confronted with anything remotely uncomfortable, they resort to insults and condemnation out of fear and deliberate self-imposed ignorance of fact, superstitious beliefs and nothing more. whatever christian faith you practice is yours to follow, it is indeed a free world.
                    if your christianity condones the slaughter of the masses to bring about some fantastical armaggedon in the middle-east, i would much prefer to go to hell, at least i will have some good company. on the other hand, folks like yourself, may end up very lonely indeed.

                    its been an interesting discussion, thank you. :)


                      Oh I see , you who have never met me but you know more about my thoughts then me . Your flakeyness is really showing.


                      I may have said I like pie but have never claimed to be pious. I don't have a "version" of Christianity I accept the Bible's version completely or I will reject it completely like it asks you too.


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          And people wonder why I suggest Canada will be a Islamic nation in the future- especially with Trudeau as P.M.!
          They are all afraid of this group yet continue to import them en masse and then empower them via the Charter, frear, appeasement, political correctness and so on.
          We will surely reap what we have sown.